Japan Matsuri is the most comprehensive and expansive festival of Japanese culture nationwide, giving its visitors the feeling of being transported to a fascinating and distant world, blending tradition and modernity and representing Japan in its entirety. 

Japan Matsuri is the only Japanese festival in Switzerland with a high-level cultural program, spanning two days of immersion in the world of the Land of the Rising Sun. 

In 2023, it broke all previous records, attracting approximately 13,000 visitors of all ages who could fully immerse themselves in Japanese culture through the rich program of performances, concerts, and stage conferences; a unique opportunity to freely move between the different areas of the festival, which include an exhibition area with traditional products for sale, a workshop area with many activities related to Japanese culture, and a recreational area with a variety of games to choose from.. Every year, the festival has the honor of hosting internationally renowned guests, who often make their national debut at Japan Matsuri. 

Given its prominent role in Switzerland, the event has welcomed notable political figures to the festival’s opening, such as ambassadors, cultural officials, mayors, and deputy mayors. In 2024, on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Switzerland, it also was chosen as an integral part of this important anniversary.

The festival offers an unparalleled immersion in the magic of the Land of the Rising Sun, as well as in Japanese art, tradition, and modernity, leaving the audience enthralled and electrified by the richness this culture has to offer. 

Finally, the gastronomy is the centerpiece of the Japan Matsuri, offering a highly varied view of Japanese culinary art, providing not only sushi and sashimi, but also many other delicious traditional dishes.

No-profit Association Japan Matsuri

The event is organized by the Japan Matsuri Association, made by young people who share a keen interest in the Japanese culture and who wish to give the visitors a chance to know more about the culture and disciplines related to this beautiful country. In fact, the aim of this event is to present to the public this fascinating culture in an innovative, fun and dynamic way, and in a relaxed environment. For this purpose, during the two days of the event, there will be many different ways to discover and learn new aspects about the Japanese custom and to enjoy every aspect of it. As a matter of fact, the public will be able to see some wonderful exhibitions, spend time in some educational spaces where children and adults will be able to participate in different activities, such as drawing manga, origami, Ikebana, bonsai art, shiatsu massage, martial arts, and much more!
Last but not least, many artists, cultural figures and experts will hold conferences and perform on stage in amazing shows, giving to the visitors the chance to fully immerse in the beauty of Japan

Charity purpose

The purely cultural footprint is supported by a charitable vocation: as a matter of fact, the association was created in 2011, following the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on March 11th of the same year. The first edition of the event took place on April 2012, a year after the terrible catastrophe, in order to remember what happened and make visitors aware of the persistent seriousness of the situation. Once again, with part of the profit of the fair, Japan Matsuri supports the project “Sendai Rainbow House” from the fundraising association ASHINAGA, that builds houses to host kids who lost their parents after the 3/11 disaster.