The World of FanArt

In this workshop, we will explore the world of fanart together, an art form that celebrates the works and characters we love. We’ll start by defining what fanart is and analyzing how it stems from a love for an original work, whether it’s a comic, video game, movie, or TV series. We’ll discuss the purposes of fanart, from simple personal enjoyment to sharing within a community of enthusiasts, to creating your own space in the artistic landscape.

Next, we’ll delve into the reasons why fanart is created, exploring the personal and collective motivations that drive artists to reinterpret and make these existing worlds their own. Finally, I will guide you through a practical introduction to the techniques and creative approaches that will help you bring your unique vision to life.

This workshop is a preview of a more extensive and detailed course, which will be held as part of the new curriculum at the MYOKO School of Manga and Illustration, and will be presented during this event. It’s also the perfect time to ask any questions and satisfy your curiosity.

In summary:

  • You’ll learn what fanart is and why it’s created.
  • You’ll try out techniques to create your own fanart of a character, with the teacher’s guidance.
  • You’ll find answers to your questions, even the tough ones.

Cinzia Bruschi
A certified visual education teacher in public schools, she has gained significant experience teaching at the European Manga Academy. Currently, she serves as the director and head of teaching for manga technique and illustration courses at the Swiss School of Manga Technique MYOKO. For over twenty years, she has regularly traveled to Japan to deepen her knowledge in the fields of manga, self-publishing, and graphic and aesthetic research. With passion and openness, she trains her students, imparting specialized skills and creative freedom.

Date: Sunday, September 22
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Room: 1
Maximum Participants: 24
Cost: Free

To access the workshop area, you will need to wear the wristband provided at the festival entrance. To make entry easier, we recommend purchasing your festival ticket online. For people with disabilities or reduced mobility, please contact us in advance via email at [email protected] so we can arrange stress-free access.