Martial Arts

 This year, the Wa Rei Ryu school will amaze the visitors of Japan Matsuri with an exhibition of Japanese fencing, one of the most ancient, refined and long-lasting arts of Japanese culture and history. In fact, the practice of Kenjutsu improves physical condition, balance and concentration, distinguishing it from every other competitive sports and self-defense martial arts.

Shotokan Karate

Ticino Shotokan Karate will perform a karate demonstration following the philosophy of Master Tsutomu Ohshima, the first accredited expert to teach Karate in America, and will give more details and information about this unique martial art.

Nowadays, the Shotokan style seems to be one of the most renowned of the world. The term itself has origins from the combination of the word “Kan”, which means “house” or “training place”, and the word “Shoto”, which means “The wind that pass through the pines”, also representing the alias of Master Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan style.